Bằng việc sử dụng trang web này, và tiếp tục bằng cách đăng ký sử dụng Dịch vụ của chúng tôi, bạn ("Bạn, các bạn hoặc bản thân bạn") đã chấp nhận và tuân thủ các điều khoản và điều kiện sử dụng đã nêu dưới đây ("Điều khoản sử dụng"). Bạn nên đọc toàn bộ Điều khoản sử dụng một cách cẩn thận trước khi sử dụng trang web này ("Trang web") hoặc bất kỳ các dịch vụ của của trang web.
Tại đây, "Fiahub" là Công ty, bao gồm nhưng không giới hạn: chủ sở hữu, giám đốc, các nhà đầu tư, nhân viên hoặc các bên liên quan khác. Tùy thuộc vào bối cảnh, "Fiahub" cũng có thể tham khảo các dịch vụ, sản phẩm, trang web, nội dung hoặc các tài liệu khác (gọi chung là "Tài liệu") được cung cấp bởi Fiahub. Dịch vụ điều hành bởi Fiahub cho phép người mua ("Người mua") và người bán ("Người bán") mua và bán đồng tiền Internet được gọi là "Bitcoin" (xem tại ).
Dịch vụ điều hành bởi Fiahub cũng cho phép tất cả người dùng đăng ký dịch vụ ("Thành viên"):
• Chuyển Bitcoin cho bạn hoặc các thành viên khác hoặc người sử dụng khác bên ngoài trang web Fiahub.
• Sử dụng Bitcoin để trao đổi với hàng hoá. Tùy thuộc vào quốc gia của bạn cư trú, bạn có thể không thể sử dụng tất cả các chức năng của Fiahub. Bạn có trách nhiệm tuân thủ các quy tắc và luật pháp ở đất nước của bạn cư trú và/hoặc quốc gia mà từ đó bạn truy cập vào trang web này và các dịch vụ. Miễn là bạn đồng ý và thực sự tuân thủ các Điều khoản sử dụng, Fiahub sẽ cho bạn một quyền lợi cá nhân, không độc quyền, không được chuyển nhượng, để đăng nhập và sử dụng trang web và dịch vụ.
Kinh doanh hàng hóa và các sản phẩm, dù là thật hay ảo, cũng như các loại tiền tệ ảo đều mang rủi ro đáng kể. Giá cả có thể dao động trên bất kỳ ngày nào. Vì biến động giá như vậy, khoản đầu tư của bạn có thể tăng hoặc giảm giá trị tại bất kỳ thời điểm nào. Bất kỳ loại tiền tệ nào - dù ảo hay không - có thể bị thay đổi lớn về giá trị và thậm chí có thể trở thành vô giá trị. Luôn sẽ có rủi ro khi bạn mua, bán, kinh doanh bất cứ thứ gì trên thị trường. Giao dịch Bitcoin cũng có những rủi ro đặc biệt khác các đồng tiền chính thức và hàng hóa trên thị trường. Không giống như hầu hết các loại tiền tệ được hỗ trợ bởi các chính phủ hoặc các tổ chức hợp pháp khác hoặc bằng hàng hóa như vàng hay bạc, Bitcoin là một loại tiền tệ đặc biệt, được hỗ trợ bởi công nghệ và sự tin tưởng. Không có ngân hàng trung ương nào để có thể tiến hành các biện pháp khắc phục để bảo vệ giá trị của Bitcoin trong một cuộc khủng hoảng hoặc in ra nhiều tiền hơn. Thay vào đó, Bitcoin là một hệ thống trên tiền tệ toàn thế giới chưa bị quản lý và không bị kiểm soát bởi các tổ chức và cá nhân. Nhà đầu tư đặt niềm tin vào một hệ thống kỹ thuật số không tập trung, vô danh và dựa trên mạng ngang hàng và mã hoá để duy trì tính toàn vẹn của nó. Giao dịch Bitcoin rất dễ bị ảnh hưởng bởi các bong bóng hoặc mất niềm tin dù hợp lý hoặc bất hợp lý, mà có thể sụp đổ. Ví dụ, niềm tin vào Bitcoin có thể sụp đổ vì những thay đổi bất ngờ áp đặt bởi các nhà phát triển phần mềm hoặc những người khác, một sự thay đổi pháp lý của chính phủ, việc ra đời các loại tiền tệ mã hoá khác tốt hơn, hoặc giảm phát.
Sự tự tin cũng có thể sụp đổ vì những vấn đề kỹ thuật: nếu tính ẩn danh hệ thống bị tổn hại, nếu tiền bị mất hoặc bị đánh cắp, hoặc nếu tin tặc hoặc các chính phủ có thể ngăn chặn các giao dịch. Có thể tồn tại các rủi ro khác mà chúng tôi đã không lường trước hoặc xác định trong điều khoản sử dụng. Bạn nên cẩn thận đánh giá xem tình hình tài chính và khả năng chịu rủi ro của bạn để có lựa chọn thích hợp trong việc mua, bán, giao dịch Bitcoin. Chúng tôi sử dụng các dịch vụ ngân hàng để nhận được tiền gửi từ khách hàng và thực hiện thanh toán. Các ngân hàng của chúng tôi KHÔNG chuyển Bitcoin, trao đổi Bitcoin, hoặc cung cấp bất kỳ dịch vụ nào liên quan tới Bitcoin.
Trừ trường hợp quy định riêng, tất cả các tài liệu trên trang web này là tài sản của Fiahub và được bảo vệ bởi bản quyền, thương hiệu và pháp luật. Bạn có thể xem, in và/hoặc tải về một bản sao của các tài liệu từ trang web này trên bất kỳ máy tính nào để phục vụ duy nhất cho mục đích cá nhân, mục đích tìm hiểu thông tin, hoặc sử dụng phi thương mại của bạn, miễn là bạn giữ nguyên tất cả quyền tác giả và quyền sở hữu. Các thương hiệu, nhãn hiệu dịch vụ, biểu tượng của Fiahub và những người khác được sử dụng trong trang web này ("Thương hiệu") là tài sản của Fiahub và các chủ sở hữu tương ứng. Phần mềm, văn bản, hình ảnh, đồ họa, dữ liệu, tỉ giá, giao dịch, biểu đồ, đồ thị, video và âm thanh được sử dụng trên trang web này thuộc về Fiahub. Các nhãn hiệu hàng hoá và tài liệu không được sao chép, sửa đổi, tải lên, đăng, truyền tải, thu thập hoặc phân phối dưới mọi hình thức hoặc bằng bất kỳ phương tiện, cho dù bằng tay hoặc tự động. Việc sử dụng bất kỳ tài liệu nào trên bất kỳ trang web khác hay máy tính nối mạng cho bất kỳ mục đích nào khác đều bị nghiêm cấm; sử dụng trái phép như vậy có thể vi phạm bản quyền, thương hiệu và có thể dẫn đến hình phạt hình sự hoặc dân sự.
Trang web này chỉ dành cho cá nhân. Chúng tôi cảnh giác trong việc duy trì tính bảo mật của trang web và Dịch vụ. Bằng cách đăng ký với chúng tôi, bạn đã đồng ý cung cấp Fiahub các thông tin hiện tại, chính xác và đầy đủ về bản thân theo hướng dẫn trong quá trình đăng ký, và để giữ cho các thông tin đó được cập nhật. Thêm nữa, bạn đồng ý rằng bạn sẽ không sử dụng bất kỳ tài khoản nào không phải là của riêng mình bạn, hoặc truy cập vào tài khoản của bất kỳ thành viên khác bất cứ lúc nào, hoặc giúp đỡ người khác trong việc tiếp cận trái phép. Việc tạo ra hoặc sử dụng tài khoản mà không có sự cho phép rõ ràng từ Fiahub sẽ dẫn đến việc đình chỉ ngay lập tức tất cả các khoản của bạn, cũng như tất cả các giao dịch mua/bán chưa hoàn tất. Bất kỳ việc thử làm như vậy hay giúp đỡ người khác (thành viên hay cách khác), hoặc phát tán các hướng dẫn, phần mềm hoặc các công cụ cho mục đích đó, sẽ dẫn đến việc tài khoản của thành viên đó bị chấm dứt. Chấm dứt không phải là biện pháp khắc phục duy nhất cho một hành vi vi phạm như vậy, và Fiahub có thể truy tố bạn. Bạn cũng có trách nhiệm giữ bí mật thông tin tài khoản của bạn, bao gồm cả mật khẩu, bảo vệ Bitcoin của riêng bạn, và bao gồm tất cả các hoạt động giao dịch trong tài khoản của bạn. Nếu có hoạt động đáng ngờ liên quan đến tài khoản của bạn, chúng tôi có thể, nhưng không bắt buộc, yêu cầu thêm thông tin từ bạn, bao gồm cả tài liệu xác thực, và đóng băng bất kỳ giao dịch đang chờ xem xét. Bạn có nghĩa vụ tuân thủ các yêu cầu an ninh, hoặc chấp nhận chấm dứt tài khoản của bạn. Bạn phải thông báo cho Fiahub ngay lập tức bất kỳ nếu có việc sử dụng trái phép tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu của bạn, hoặc bất kỳ vi phạm bảo mật bằng cách gửi email đến
Bất kỳ thành viên nào vi phạm quy tắc có thể bị chấm dứt tài khoản, và sau đó phải chịu trách nhiệm về tổn thất phát sinh cho Fiahub hoặc bất kỳ người dùng khác của trang web. Cuối cùng, bạn đồng ý rằng bạn sẽ không sử dụng Dịch vụ để thực hiện hoạt động tội phạm, bao gồm nhưng không giới hạn: rửa tiền, hoạt động cờ bạc bất hợp pháp, tài trợ khủng bố, hoặc hacking độc hại. Chúng tôi sẽ báo cáo tất cả các hoạt động phi pháp cho các cơ quan thực thi pháp luật. CHẤM DỨT Bạn có thể chấm dứt thỏa thuận này với Fiahub và đóng tài khoản của bạn bất cứ lúc nào, sau khi giải quyết bất kỳ các giao dịch chưa hoàn thành. Bạn cũng đồng ý rằng Fiahub có thể bằng cách thông báo, tuỳ ý chấm dứt truy cập của bạn vào trang web và tài khoản của bạn, bao gồm nhưng không giới hạn: giới hạn, đình chỉ hoặc chấm dứt dịch vụ và tài khoản thành viên, cấm truy cập vào trang web, dịch vụ và các công cụ, chậm trễ hoặc loại bỏ các nội dung lưu trữ, và thực hiện các bước kỹ thuật và pháp lý để giữ cho thành viên ra khỏi trang web nếu chúng tôi nghĩ rằng họ đang tạo ra vấn đề trách nhiệm pháp lý hoặc xâm phạm quyền sở hữu trí tuệ của bên thứ ba, hoặc hành động không nhất quán với quy định hoặc tinh thần của các Điều khoản.
Ngoài ra, chúng tôi có thể, tùy từng trường hợp, đình chỉ hoặc chấm dứt tài khoản của các thành viên vì những lý do bao gồm nhưng không giới hạn: (1) cố gắng truy cập trái phép vào các trang web hoặc tài khoản khác của thành viên hoặc hỗ trợ để người khác cố gắng làm như vậy. (2) vượt qua tính năng bảo mật phần mềm hạn chế sử dụng hoặc bảo vệ nội dung. (3) sử dụng Dịch vụ để thực hiện các hoạt động bất hợp pháp như rửa tiền, hoạt động cờ bạc bất hợp pháp, khủng bố, hoặc các hoạt động tội phạm khác. (4) hành vi vi phạm các Điều khoản sử dụng. (5) không trả tiền hoặc thanh toán cho các giao dịch gian lận. (6) hoạt động khó khăn bất ngờ. (7) theo yêu cầu của cơ quan pháp luật hoặc cơ quan chính phủ khác. (8) cố ý sử dụng các phần mềm che giấu hoặc có những dấu hiệu bất thường hoặc không rõ ràng. (9) cố ý chia sẻ các thông tin liên hệ cá nhân trong giao dịch cho đối tác khác. Chúng tôi cũng có quyền hủy bỏ tài khoản chưa được xác nhận hoặc tài khoản đã không hoạt động trong vòng 6 tháng trở lên, và/hoặc sửa đổi hoặc ngừng trang web hoặc dịch vụ của chúng tôi hoặc yêu cầu xác minh các thông tin để có thể tiếp tục sử dụng dịch vụ. Các thành viên đồng ý rằng Fiahub sẽ không chịu trách nhiệm cho họ hoặc cho bất kỳ bên thứ ba cho việc chấm dứt tài khoản hoặc truy cập vào các trang web của họ. Nếu không có lý do chính đáng, mỗi người chỉ được phép sử dụng tối đa một tài khoản tại trang web, và chúng tôi sẽ khóa tất cả tài khoản khác chỉ giữ lại duy nhất một tài khoản của bạn. Việc tạm đình chỉ một tài khoản sẽ không ảnh hưởng đến việc thanh toán tiền hoa hồng do cho giao dịch trong quá khứ. Khi chấm dứt, thành viên sẽ gửi thông tin tài khoản ngân hàng hợp lệ cho chúng tôi để gửi trả lại tiền dư vào tài khoản của họ. Tài khoản ngân hàng đó phải là của chính thành viên bị đình chỉ. Bitcoin khi được chuyển vào một tài khoản ngân hàng chỉ có giá trị sau khi chuyển đổi sang một đồng tiền.
Fiahub sẽ chuyển tiền sớm nhất có thể theo yêu cầu của thành viên trong khung thời gian quy định của Fiahub. Fiahub sẽ gửi cho bạn số dư tài khoản của bạn, tuy nhiên trong nhiều trường hợp bạn sẽ mất thêm phí thanh toán quốc tế của ngân hàng thụ hưởng khi chuyển tiền. Chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng những nỗ lực hợp lý để đảm bảo rằng các chi phí đó được tiết lộ cho bạn trước khi gửi thanh toán của bạn, tuy nhiên khi không thể tránh được những chi phí đó, Bạn thừa nhận rằng các khoản phí không thể luôn luôn được tính toán trước, và bạn đồng ý chịu trách nhiệm về các chi phí đó. LUÔN TRỰC TUYẾN Tất cả các dịch vụ được cung cấp đều không có bảo hành, dù thể hiện rõ ràng hay ngụ ý. Chúng tôi không bảo đảm rằng trang web này sẽ có 100% thời gian trực tuyến để đáp ứng nhu cầu của bạn. Chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng để cung cấp với dịch vụ càng sớm càng tốt nhưng không có bảo đảm rằng việc truy cập sẽ không bị gián đoạn, hoặc sẽ không có sự chậm trễ, thất bại, lỗi, thiếu sót hoặc mất thông tin truyền đi. Chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng những nỗ lực hợp lý để đảm bảo rằng các trang web thường có thể được truy cập được. Chúng tôi có thể đình chỉ việc sử dụng các trang web để bảo trì và sẽ nỗ lực hợp lý để thông báo cho bạn. Bạn thừa nhận rằng điều này có thể không có thể có trong trường hợp khẩn cấp. CÁC API VÀ WIDGET Chúng tôi có thể cung cấp quyền truy cập vào bên nhất định để truy cập dữ liệu và thông tin cụ thể thông qua API của chúng tôi (Application Programming Interface) hoặc thông qua các widget. Chúng tôi cũng có thể cung cấp các widget để đưa dữ liệu của chúng tôi trên trang web của bạn.
Fiahub không đại diện về bất kỳ trang web nào khác mà bạn có thể truy cập thông qua trang web này. Trang web có thể cung cấp liên kết đến các trang web khác ("Trang Web ngoại") hoặc tài nguyên mà chúng tôi không có quyền kiểm soát ("Trang Web ngoại"). Trong trường hợp này bạn thừa nhận rằng Fiahub đang cung cấp những liên kết cho bạn chỉ như là một tiện nghi. Fiahub không chịu trách nhiệm cho nội dung được cung cấp trên trang web của bên thứ ba. Bạn được yêu cầu xem xét lại các chính sách được đăng bởi trang web khác liên quan đến sự riêng tư và các chủ đề khác trước khi sử dụng. Fiahub không chịu trách nhiệm nội dung của bên thứ ba truy cập thông qua trang web, bao gồm cả ý kiến, tư vấn, báo cáo, giá cả, hoạt động và quảng cáo, và bạn phải chịu mọi rủi ro liên quan với việc sử dụng các nội dung như vậy. Tuỳ vào bạn mà bạn có thể có các biện pháp phòng ngừa để đảm bảo rằng bất cứ điều gì bạn chọn để sử dụng không có virus, trojan và các nội dung có tính chất phá hoại. LỜI KHUYÊN TÀI CHÍNH Để tránh sự nghi ngờ, chúng tôi không cung cấp bất kỳ tư vấn đầu tư nào trên trang Web. Chúng tôi có thể cung cấp thông tin về giá, phạm vi, biến động của Bitcoin và các sự kiện đã ảnh hưởng đến giá của Bitcoin nhưng điều này không được coi là tư vấn đầu tư và không nên được hiểu như vậy. Bất kỳ quyết định mua hoặc bán Bitcoin là quyết định của bạn và chúng tôi sẽ không chịu trách nhiệm về bất kỳ tổn thất phải chịu đựng. QUY CHẾ TÀI CHÍNH Mô hình kinh doanh của chúng tôi, và dịch vụ của chúng tôi, bao gồm: tạo điều kiện cho việc mua, bán, kinh doanh Bitcoin và sử dụng để trao đổi hàng hóa trong một hệ thống thanh toán quốc tế mở không được kiểm soát. THƯ ĐIỆN TỬ Thư điện tử được gửi qua Internet là không an toàn và Fiahub không chịu trách nhiệm cho bất kỳ thiệt hại phát sinh do kết quả của việc gửi thư điện tử qua Internet. Chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên gửi email trong các định dạng mã hóa, bạn được chào đón để gửi email mã hóa PGP cho chúng tôi. Các hướng dẫn để làm như vậy sẽ được cung cấp theo yêu cầu.
Bạn có trách nhiệm bật bảo vệ 2 lớp (chúng tôi khuyến cáo dùng Authy) để bảo vệ tại khoản của Fiahub của mình. Chúng tôi từ chối bất kì yêu cầu hỗ trợ liên quan đến việc bị hack tài khoản nếu tài khoản của bạn không được bật bảo mật 2 lớp GIỚI HẠN TRÁCH NHIỆM Trong phạm vi pháp luật cho phép, Fiahub sẽ không phải chịu trách nhiệm cho bất kỳ thiệt hại, mất mát về lợi nhuận, doanh thu, tổn thất kinh doanh, mất cơ hội, mất dữ liệu, thiệt hại gián tiếp hoặc do hậu quả trừ khi sự mất mát phải chịu phát sinh từ sự cẩu thả hoặc sự lừa dối có chủ ý gian lận. Không có gì trong các điều khoản này loại trừ hoặc giới hạn trách nhiệm của một trong hai bên vì tội gian lận, tử vong hoặc thương tích cá nhân gây ra bởi sự sơ suất của mình, vi phạm các điều khoản và luật pháp, hoặc bất kỳ trách nhiệm nào khác có thể không được pháp luật hạn chế hoặc loại trừ. Trách nhiệm của Fiahub đối với các khiếu nại dựa trên các sự kiện phát sinh hoặc có liên quan đến thành viên của trang web và/hoặc dịch vụ, cho dù trong hợp đồng hoặc sai lầm cá nhân (kể cả sơ suất), sẽ không vượt qua một trong hai: (a) tổng số tiền nắm giữ ở tài khoản tại các thành viên đưa ra khiếu nại trừ đi lượng lợi nhuận của chúng tôi dựa trên tài khoản đó, hoặc (b) tổng số tiền giao dịch trong yêu cầu bồi thường trừ đi lợi nhuận của công ty từ các giao dịch đó.
Chúng tôi được phép phong tỏa/khóa tài khoản của khách hàng khi đáp ứng một số điều kiện như: có yêu cầu của cơ quan có thẩm quyền theo quy định của pháp luật; phát hiện thấy có nhầm lẫn, sai sót khi ghi có nhầm vào tài khoản thanh toán của khách hàng hoặc theo yêu cầu hoàn trả lại tiền của tổ chức cung ứng dịch vụ thanh toán chuyển tiền; phát hiện có dấu hiệu gian lận hoặc vi phạm pháp luật liên quan đến tài khoản thanh toán; có thông báo của một trong các chủ tài khoản khác về việc phát sinh tranh chấp về giao dịch chung giữa các chủ tài khoản; chưa giải quyết dứt điểm các tranh chấp trong các giao dịch cũ; có sự liên quan với tài khoản đang bị khoanh giữ khác mà chưa được làm rõ... Quỹ của tài khoản có liên quan đến việc lừa đảo, vi phạm pháp luật, không làm rõ được các nghi ngờ lừa đảo sẽ bị tịch thu toàn bộ. Quỹ trên sẽ được sử dụng để bồi thường cho các nạn nhân liên quan trực tiếp. Trong trường hợp số tiền thu giữ được nhỏ hơn tổng số tiền của tất cả nạn nhân, toàn bộ số tiền sẽ được chia cho các nạn nhân theo tỉ lệ bị thiệt hại. BỒI THƯỜNG Trong phạm vi đầy đủ luật pháp cho phép, bạn đồng ý bồi thường cho Fiahub và các đối tác của công ty cho bất kỳ hành động, trách nhiệm, chi phí, khiếu nại, tổn thất, thiệt hại, chi phí tố tụng phát sinh nếu trực tiếp hoặc không trực tiếp phát sinh từ việc bạn sử dụng Trang web của Fiahub, việc bạn sử dụng dịch vụ, hoặc từ việc bạn vi phạm các Điều khoản sử dụng. KHÁC Nếu chúng tôi không thể thực hiện các dịch vụ được nêu trong Điều khoản sử dụng do các yếu tố ngoài tầm kiểm soát của chúng tôi, bao gồm nhưng không giới hạn trong một sự kiện bất khả kháng, sự thay đổi của pháp luật hoặc thay đổi trong chính sách, chúng tôi sẽ không có bất kỳ trách nhiệm pháp lý cho bạn đối với Dịch vụ cung cấp theo thỏa thuận này và cho một khoảng thời gian trùng với sự kiện này. SỬA ĐỔI BỔ SUNG CÁC ĐIỀU KHOẢN Fiahub có quyền thay đổi, thêm hoặc loại bỏ các phần của các Điều khoản, bất cứ lúc nào. Bạn sẽ được thông báo về bất kỳ thay đổi nào thông qua tài khoản của bạn. Sau khi thông báo như vậy, bạn có trách nhiệm xem xét các điều khoản sửa đổi. Tiếp tục sử dụng dịch vụ sau khi đăng thông báo về những thay đổi trong Điều khoản có nghĩa là bạn chấp nhận và đồng ý với những thay đổi, và tất cả các giao dịch tiếp theo của bạn sẽ tuân theo Điều khoản sửa đổi. ĐỊNH NGHĨA Bitcoin: là đồng tiền mã hoá được mô tả tại . Người mua: là thành viên đề nghị mua Bitcoin thông qua Dịch vụ. Lợi nhuận: đề cập đến các lệ phí được trả cho Fiahub trên mỗi giao dịch, chẳng hạn như một giao dịch mua Bitcoin.
có nghĩa là người mua và người bán cũng như người giữ tài khoản. Giá: là "giá mỗi đồng tiền" mà thành viên sẵn sàng mua hoặc bán Bitcoin, sử dụng dịch vụ trong một giao dịch Bitcoin. Giá có thể được thể hiện bằng bất kỳ tiền tệ được nạp bởi thành viên trong tài khoản của họ và được hỗ trợ bởi dịch vụ. Người bán: là thành viên đề nghị bán Bitcoin thông qua Dịch vụ. Dịch vụ: là nền tảng công nghệ, quy định chức năng và thị trường của Fiahub quản lý để cho phép bán và người mua thực hiện các giao dịch mua bán Bitcoin. Giao dịch: là (i) thỏa thuận giữa người mua và người bán để trao đổi Bitcoin thông qua Dịch vụ tiền tệ tỉ giá nhất định ("Giao dịch Bitcoin"), (ii) việc chuyển đổi của đồng tiền vào Bitcoin gửi bởi thành viên trên tài khoản của họ ("giao dịch chuyển đổi" ), (iii) việc chuyển giao Bitcoin giữa các thành viên ("Bitcoin chuyển giao dịch"), (iv) di chuyển tiền tệ giữa các thành viên ( "Giao dịch đổi tiền tệ" ) và (v) mua các sản phẩm phụ trợ ("Giao dịch mua"). Fiahub có thể không cung cấp tất cả các loại giao dịch tại thời điểm này hoặc trong tất cả mọi nơi. Giá giao dịch: là tổng giá thanh toán của người mua đối với từng giao dịch thực hiện thông qua Dịch vụ. LIÊN HỆ Nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi liên quan đến các điều khoản sử dụng, quyền và nghĩa vụ phát sinh từ các Điều khoản và/hoặc sử dụng của bạn trên trang và Dịch vụ, tài khoản của bạn, hoặc bất kỳ vấn đề nào khác, xin vui lòng liên hệ với
Sau đây là những nội dung tiếng Anh nguyên bản từ DIGITEX Pte Ltd
Về chúng tôi
Digitex Private Limited, a company incorporated in Singapore and having its registered office at 10 Anson Road, #10-11 International Plaza, Singapore 079903 hereinafter referred to as “Fiahub” which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof shall mean and include its successors and assigns. Fiahub is engaged in the service of providing a platform for the buying and selling of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies through its web service
Persons availing of the Fiahub Services (as defined below), directly or indirectly, are referred to herein, as “Users”. Only natural or legal persons, resident in Singapore, can be Users, and no person other than a natural or legal person with a valid, authorised account with Fiahub can avail of the Fiahub Services in any manner whatsoever. This is an agreement between Fiahub and User, which together with the Privacy Policy (collectively referred to herein as the “Agreement”) shall be binding on the User. By clicking the “I Agree” button in the Fiahub web app and mobile apps, User hereby agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of Service set out hereunder for availing of the Fiahub Services and also the policies mentioned herein and to any modifications, amendments or updates made to the said Agreement.
Fiahub provides facilitation services,inter alia, the Fiahub Android App, Fiahub iPhone App (collectively, “Fiahub App”) and the Fiahub website at “” (“Fiahub Website”, and collectively with the Fiahub App, the “Fiahub Platform”), in addition to other current or future services, products,features, technologies, and functionalities across a variety of platforms (collectively “Fiahub Offers”). Fiahub App, Fiahub Website and Fiahub Offers are collectively referred to hereunder, as “Fiahub Services”, and any account opened by a User with Fiahub to avail of the Fiahub Services in any form shall be referred to as a “User Account”. The terms governing such offer of services, the consideration payable, limitations applicable thereto and the representations and warranties of Fiahub are more fully set out herein. Fiahub reserves a right to collect from Users of Fiahub a fee by whatsoever name called for facilitating transfer of cryptocurrencies amongst the wallets including but not limited to blockchain network.
Users are required to read, review, understand and agree to the terms hereunder for using or availing of the Fiahub Services, by clicking on the “I Accept” option in the Fiahub App. Upon clicking “I Accept” in the Fiahub App, or upon availing of any part of the Fiahub Services, or upon applying for the opening of a User Account on the Fiahub Platform, a User indicates their acceptance of the terms of this Agreement and their intention to be bound by it. By executing this agreement, Users are deemed to have understood the technology behind the creation and circulation of cryptocurrencies, including “Bitcoins”, are deemed to have understood and accepted the risks inherent in dealing in cryptocurrencies and in availing of the Fiahub Services, and are deemed to have expressly given their consent to be bound by the terms herein, including the representations, warranties and disclosures set out hereunder. Once the terms contained hereunder are accepted by a User, the same shall be binding on such User while availing of the Fiahub Services in any manner whatsoever, and subsequent to such User’s use of the Fiahub Services. Every User shall ensure that no third party uses its account on the Fiahub Platform, and that such User uses the Fiahub Services only for its own account and for its own benefit. Further, in addition to the terms contained herein, Users shall be bound by the terms and conditions governing purchase, sale or trading of Cryptocurrencies, including “Bitcoins”, as stipulated by the issuers thereof. Users shall be permitted to avail of the Fiahub Services including the User Account only after reading the terms herein and in the policy documents set out hereunder and after accepting the same.
a) Fiahub offers a platform for trading in cryptocurrencies through the Fiahub Platform. Presently the platform offers trading in Bitcoins, although the Fiahub Services may extend to other cryptocurrencies as well in the future (for which all of the terms contained herein will apply). Fiahub is neither the creator nor the administrator of any cryptocurrencies including Bitcoins, and is not in any way responsible for the global pricing of any cryptocurrency, the operation of any blockchain with respect to any cryptocurrency, or the mining process in relation to any cryptocurrency. It merely facilitates the trading in cryptocurrency by Users on the Fiahub Platform, and does not engage in such trading itself, or buy or sell any cryptocurrency for its own account or for its own benefit. Fiahub has no control over the generation, distribution, retention (except in its wallets), verification, termination, or market volatility of any cryptocurrencies. It merely acts as an intermediary for the trading in cryptocurrencies by User, and provides other ancillary services in relation thereto, which are more fully set out hereunder.
b) Fiahub does not provide any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, in relation to the Fiahub Services. The Fiahub Services and the products offered therein, including facilitation services for the trading of cryptocurrencies between Users, are provided on an “as-is”and “as available” basis. Users avail of the Fiahub Services, and deal in cryptocurrencies at their own risk and with full awareness of the risk of the possible diminishment, devaluation and (potentially) complete loss of the entire holding or valuation of the User Account and all cryptocurrencies held therein, in the event of the occurrence of any of the risk factors outlined in this Agreement (as well as other risk factors inherent in any transactions involving cryptocurrencies), including, but not limited to, changes in the regulatory or legal regime in Singapore and/or outside Singapore, and any legal, regulatory, contractual or other restrictions that may be placed on Fiahub. It is hereby expressly declared that Fiahub offers no warranty of any kind regarding the Fiahub Services.
c) Fiahub Services are strictly available for use only within Singapore, to the extent (and till such time) that transactions or trading in cryptocurrencies are permitted and not been curtailed in such parts of Singapore. In the event that a User resides in any such jurisdiction within Singapore where any transactions in cryptocurrencies may be prohibited (“Prohibited Jurisdiction”), Users are not permitted to use the Fiahub Services in any form (“Prohibited Jurisdiction Use”). Any Prohibited Jurisdiction Use will amount to a breach of this Agreement, and Fiahub shall forthwith be entitled to terminate this Agreement and the use and operation of the relevant User Account, shall extend all cooperation to the relevant governmental and enforcement authorities, and shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any Loss arising out of such, in relation to, or subsequent to such Prohibited Jurisdiction Use. Users are therefore duly warned against availing of the Fiahub Services in any manner whatsoever in or from a Prohibited Jurisdiction, or from anywhere outside Singapore. Users shall be solely responsible for ensuring compliance with this requirement, and for compliance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in or from where they are availing of the Fiahub Services. Subject to confirmation by the User to be bound by the terms contained herein, and compliance with the terms contained herein at all times, Fiahub hereby grants to the User a personal, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable, and limited right to use the Fiahub Services.
d) Users are hereby duly cautioned that presently in Singapore, ‘virtual currencies’(including all cryptocurrencies) have not been recognised or authorised as a medium for payment, as a commodity for trade, or in any form, by central bank, monetary authority, or governmental or regulatory body in Singapore. User shall therefore avail of the Fiahub Services subject to the above caution issued by the central bank, and should be aware of the regulatory and financial risks inherent in dealing with cryptocurrencies in any manner.
e) Fiahub may use third party service providers to render some or all of the Fiahub Services, or for facilitating the same. User agrees to the use of such third parties, and hereby provides consent for collection, analysis, use, dissemination and retention by such third parties of any and all personal data, or and sensitive personal data and information, of the User. User shall be bound by the terms of service of such third parties to the same extent as Fiahub would be bound. Fiahub shall however not be responsible or liable for any act, inaction, commission or omission by such third parties, including with respect to data protection, privacy, security practices, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations
f) These terms shall be applicable to all existing and new Users. Fiahub reserves the right to modify or amend the terms herein, and an intimation thereof shall be sent to existing Users, who may decide to opt out of the Fiahub Services at such time by intimating Fiahub of such intention in writing. Continued use of the Fiahub Services shall be deemed to amount to confirmation and acceptance of the modified or altered terms hereof.
g) The Parties agree that the terms set out hereunder are in consideration of good and valuable consideration, and shall be and are intended to be binding on both Parties.
a) Fiahub offers a platform for its registered Users to buy or sell Cryptocurrencies on the Fiahub Platform. Presently Fiahub offers its services in facilitating and providing a platform for Users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies to and from each other (and not to or from Fiahub, directly or indirectly).
b) Subject to the conditions set out above, Users may utilize the Fiahub Services to purchase and/or sell cryptocurrencies to and from each other, using the Fiahub Platform. The authentication of such buyers and sellers is the sole responsibility of the concerned User(s), and Users are required to ensure that all of the Fiahub Services are availed of only for legal purposes and through legal means.
User may open a User Account subject to the following conditions:
a) Opening of User Account.
- i. User may create a User Account by first downloading and installing the Fiahub App on their Android smartphone or iPhone by using the Play Store or App Store, as applicable, subject to the terms contained herein.
- ii. User shall comply with the procedures prescribed for opening the User Account, including providing a valid and subsisting email address and completing the verification process and providing all requisite details and documents.
- iii. Fiahub reserves the right to reject opening, registration or validation of a User Account on any grounds it deems suitable, at its sole discretion, with due regard to legal and regulatory considering concerning cryptocurrencies.
b) Data Disclosures & Consent.
- i. User hereby allows access to and consents to Fiahub availing of and using the personal data and sensitive personal data and information of the User including but not limited to:
- 1. name, address, contact information identification documents and details contained therein;
- 2. mobile numbers and IP addresses from which the Fiahub Services are being accessed; and
- 3. identity numbers and details of all equipment utilised to access or avail of the Fiahub Services, including devices from which the Fiahub Services are accessed; the device numbers, model and such or other details that may be culled out through automated processes; IMEI, ISMI, operating system, device model, RAM, CPU and other details for computers and mobile phones,unique installation number, iCloud device or email id for Apple products, fingerprinting details and other sensitive personal information required for allowing or completing the transactions envisaged herein, as Fiahub’s sole discretion.
- ii. Fiahub may call upon User to furnish additional details and / or documents, either pursuant to governmental or regulatory compliance or due to modifications in any terms contained herein. User hereby agrees and undertakes to comply with the same within the timelines prescribed.
- iii. In addition to the terms contained herein, Users shall be bound by the terms of the Privacy Policy available at
c) Know Your Customer Compliance.
In addition to the terms contained herein, Users shall be bound by the terms of Fiahub’s Anti-Money Laundering Policy (“AML Policy”), which is available at By virtue of using any part of the Fiahub Services, and/or by virtue of accepting and entering into this Agreement, Users are deemed to have accepted, and to have agreed to comply at all times with, the terms of the AML Policy. Only Users complying with the following Know Your Customers (“KYC”) procedures, as well as all terms and procedures contained in the AML Policy, would be allowed to avail of the Fiahub Services:
- i. Users shall provide the following details,along with digitized copies of supporting documents for such details, simultaneously with the application for a User Account on the Fiahub Platform, failing which the User Account shall not be activated:
- 1. Name in Full, as in the ID card / Bank Account;
- 2. Contact Number;
- 3. Email Address;
- 4. Digitized copy of the ID card;
- 5. Bank Account Details including the Bank Account Number; Account Holder’s Name in full.
- ii. User hereby consents to retention of the above details and documents by Fiahub for its own use, for as long as Fiahub deems necessary. Fiahub shall be entitled to retain the above details and documents even for of those Users whose registration has been rejected by Fiahub.
- iii. Fiahub shall take reasonable care and caution in the collection and retention of all information, data and documents provided by Users. Fiahub shall comply with the terms of the Privacy Policy available at for collection and retention of User data, including sensitive personal data and information. The Privacy Policy may be periodically reviewed and revised, modified or updated. By accepting the terms herein and by continued use of the Fiahub Services, Users are deemed to have agreed to such revised terms of the Privacy Policy, and shall be bound by such terms. In the event that a User wishes otherwise, upon compliance with the procedures set out hereunder for termination, User may terminate this Agreement.
- iv. An ID card must be provided by all prospective Users, as Fiahub will use ID details to carry out verification procedures for each such User’s identity and residence. However, Fiahub may call for additional documents as well during the KYC process, at its discretion.
- v. Acceptance of the terms herein shall be tantamount to acceptance of the Privacy Policy and the AML Policy, and the terms contained therein. Users are required to read, understand and affirm the AML Policy and the Privacy Policy before clicking the “I Accept” button to our Terms of Service.
- vi. Fiahub may call upon User to furnish additional details and / or documents, either pursuant to governmental or regulatory requirements, or due to modifications in any of the terms of this Agreement, the Privacy Policy or the AML Policy. User hereby agrees and undertakes to comply with the same within the timelines prescribed.
d) Verification Process.
- i. Fiahub shall, at its sole discretion activate the User Account upon verification of the details provided through the KYC process included in this Agreement and in the AML Policy. In the event of any factual inaccuracies or other problems with the details or documentation provided by a prospective User during this process, Fiahub shall be entitled to forthwith terminate the User Account without notice to the concerned User, and such User shall not be permitted to use the User Account or the Fiahub Services thereafter. Fiahub may call upon User to furnish additional details and / or documents, either pursuant to governmental or regulatory requirements, or due to modifications in any of the terms of this Agreement, the Privacy Policy or the AML Policy,and Fiahub is entitled to terminate existing User Accounts for non–compliance with such requests for further details or information after due notice.
- ii. Fiahub may, at its sole discretion, send to the User intimation of reasons for non-activation of a User Account. Fiahub is not under any obligation, however, to provide such notice.
- iii. Only natural or legal persons with a valid ID card or passport may apply for a User Account and avail of any part of the Fiahub Services. Upon verification, if the ID card details furnished by a User are found to be falsified, invalid or otherwise inaccurate, Fiahub shall forthwith terminate the relevant User Account without notice to the concerned User.
- iv. Existing Users may be called upon to comply with the KYC and verification process contained in this Agreement and in the AML Policy. In the event of termination or deactivation of an existing User Account, Users shall be duly intimated by Fiahub, along with reasons for such deactivation and the procedures for redress (if any). Delay in termination of such User Accounts shall not amount to a waiver of the mandatory information and documentary requirements contained in this Agreement and in the AML Policy.
a) Users shall be bound by the policies, rules and User Guidelines prescribed by Fiahub periodically, the terms of which shall form part of this Agreement.
b) User is hereby cautioned that Fiahub does accept any payments in cash and has not authorised any person whatsoever to accept any payments in cash. User is advised not to give cash to any person, irrespective of any representations that such person may make with respect to creating an account or depositing such amounts with Fiahub or with another User on behalf of such User. User is also hereby cautioned that each User Account is intended only for the use of that single User, and no other person. Hence no User is permitted to either offer or accept from any another person, services in relation investing in any cryptocurrencies through another User Account.
c) Users are required to conduct all transactions in relation to the Fiahub Services only through their own, duly authenticated, and legally opened and maintained bank accounts in Singapore. All payments shall be made in Singapore Dollar (SGD) for purchase or sale of cryptocurrencies on the Fiahub Platform. Subsequent to any transaction on the Fiahub Platform, User shall ensure that immediate intimation of payments made, the bank details from which such payment was made and the Fiahub account to which such payment to be credited,is made to Fiahub through the Fiahub App. Any payments made without furnishing these details shall be deemed to be unaccounted payments, and Fiahub shall not be liable for any non–accounting, non-crediting or other treatment of such sums, or of the cryptocurrencies pertaining to such sums, to the relevant User Account. Fiahub shall also not be responsible for any Loss that may be caused to the User due to such non–crediting of the said sum, including losses from any fluctuations in the price of cryptocurrencies that occur during the time it takes Fiahub to verify the above details, or on account of the non–transfer or non-credit thereof. User shall be solely responsible for ensuring prompt intimation of the above details to Fiahub to ensure immediate completion of the transaction of the purchase of the concerned cryptocurrencies. Fiahub shall not be responsible or liable in any way for any unaccounted payments deposited to any bank account from unregistered or anonymous Users. Fiahub shall be entitled to appropriate such unaccounted payments to its account, and User shall forfeit the same, if the verification details sought for above are not furnished to Fiahub by the relevant User within seven days of the date on which the transaction is effected by the User.
d) Fiahub offers the Fiahub Services for consideration in the form of transaction fees, as intimated to User prior to completion of the transaction. User hereby agrees to make the payment of such transaction fees, on terms set out on the Fiahub Website. All payments due to Fiahub shall be automatically debited from the relevant User Account, and User consents to such debit on a periodic basis. Any transaction fees due from a User, which cannot be debited from the concerned User Account on account of an insufficiency of funds, or for any other reasons whatsoever, shall be charged to such User through an invoice issued by Fiahub to the User, which shall be paid by the User in accordance with the terms set forth in such invoice.
e) Any payments to be made by Fiahub to any User in relation to any transaction entered into between Users (and facilitated by Fiahub on the Fiahub Platform) shall be made after all appropriate deductions and withholding is made, as per applicable Law.
Fiahub has zero tolerance towards use of any portion of the Fiahub Services for or in connection with any illegal or unlawful purpose. Any such use of the Fiahub Services by any User shall result in forthwith termination of the relevant User Account, and Fiahub shall cooperate with governmental and regulatory authorities in the reporting and investigation of such actions (including by providing any information and details that such User has provided to Fiahub).
a) Users shall be bound by the terms of the AML Policy at all times, in addition to the terms contained herein. The terms of the AML Policy shall be read as part and parcel of this Agreement.
b) Users shall ensure that the terms of the AML Policy are strictly complied with at all times, both during and after the User’s use of the Fiahub Services. Fiahub shall not allow the Fiahub Services to be used for any illegal or criminal purposes, including (but not limited to) money laundering and the funding of terrorist activities.
c) Fiahub shall report all suspicious activities to the concerned authorities to ensure initiation of investigation and prosecution. Users are therefore strongly cautioned against misuse of the Fiahub Services in any manner for illegal activities.
d) Acceptance of the terms herein shall be tantamount to acceptance of the AML Policy and the terms contained therein. Users are required to read, understand and affirm the AML Policy before clicking the “I Accept” button to these Terms of Service. Fiahub may periodically review and revise, modify or update the AML Policy to ensure that it complies with all requirements of applicable Law, and for any other reason that it may deem suitable at its sole discretion. By accepting the terms contained herein and by continued use of the Fiahub Services, Users are deemed to have agreed to such revised terms of the AML Policy and shall be bound by the same. Non-receipt of such intimation shall not exonerate User from complying with the revised AML and KYC Policies. Users who do not wish to abide by the same may decide to opt out of the Fiahub Services at such time by intimating Fiahub of such intention in writing, and such Users shall not be permitted to avail of the Fiahub Services in any way after such intimation.
e) Fiahub reserves the right to decline or discontinue, as the case may be, any User Account, at its discretion, with present as well as prospective Users at all times. In the event of any suspicious activity being disclosed, or if a User is suspected of abusing the Fiahub Services in any way, Fiahub shall have the right to suspend or terminate the relevant User Account of a User, and this Agreement shall stand terminated forthwith.
f) Where applicable, intimation of such suspension or termination shall be duly sent to the User and the accumulated monies or cryptocurrencies in the account of such User shall be duly secured and shall accrue in favour of such User, unless otherwise appropriated by Fiahub towards dues owed to it, or retained pending confirmation from a regulatory or statutory authority or in compliance with an order from a governmental or regulatory authority, court, or quasi-judicial body. Amounts lying in any User Account suspected of being associated with any activity that contravenes any applicable Law, or of abusing the Fiahub Services, shall not be released in favour of any User until an appropriate order is received from a governmental, regulatory, judicial or quasi-judicial body that is competent to pass such an order.
a) Users shall ensure strict compliance with the following user guidelines set out hereunder (“User Guidelines”), as well as the terms of the AML Policy:
- i. Users shall ensure that they provide current, accurate, and complete information during the process of opening the User Account, and shall ensure that all such information is updated immediately upon any change of circumstances, or when prompted to do so by Fiahub.
- ii. User shall not divulge their account details to any third parties, including other Users. Users shall be solely responsible for ensuring the confidentiality and protection of the data pertaining to their User Account.
- iii. Users shall not share their account passwords with any third parties, including other Users.
- iv. Users shall not allow any third parties (including any other Users) to use their User Account in any manner, or to derive any benefit whatsoever from such User Account. Each User Account is intended for the use of a single User, who has registered with Fiahub in the manner prescribed under this Agreement and in the AML Policy. Each User is only permitted to have one User Account, and cannot open or maintain multiple User Accounts, or attempt to operate or gain access to another User Account (irrespective of whether the consent of such User has been obtained for such use or access).
- v. User shall be wholly responsible and liable for all activities that occur in relation to, or in connection, their User Account, irrespective of whether the User has personal knowledge or control in relation to such activities.
- vi. Users shall utilise the Fiahub Services only for their personal purposes, and not for any commercial, industrial or professional purposes whatsoever.
- vii. Users shall use the Fiahub Services only for lawful purposes and shall not use any part of the Fiahub Services, for or in connection with any action or conduct which may amount to a violation of any applicable Law. Users shall be solely liable for all consequences (whether under applicable Law or otherwise) of any activities in connection with their User Accounts that contravene applicable Law in any manner whatsoever.
- viii. Without prejudice to the generality of the above, Users shall not use the Fiahub services for any unlawful purpose, including but not limited to money laundering, terrorism or any other illegal activity. Users shall also not use or avail of the Fiahub Services to convert illegal or wrongful gains, including those from criminal activities.
- ix. Users shall comply with the IPR policy set out herein and shall not violate the proprietary rights of Fiahub, or of any third party.
- x. Users shall not use circumvention or obfuscating technologies to mask their IP addresses, or to hide transaction details, or attempt in any way to conceal or alter information or details that Fiahub is entitled to ascertain, analyse, collect or retain under applicable Law, or in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, the Privacy Policy or the AML Policy. Users shall not create or distribute any technologies for such purposes, or provide any assistance to any other person in any manner for such purposes.
- xi. Users shall ensure that true and correct details are furnished to Fiahub including all information required for the account opening process and the KYC process (both during User onboarding and on an ongoing basis); transactional details and such or other information, details and clarifications that Fiahub may require from time to time;
- xii. Users shall not make any misrepresentation in any communication to Fiahub, or with respect to any information or details rendered to Fiahub at any time, and shall not otherwise attempt to misinform or misguide Fiahub in any manner. Users are hereby duly informed that Fiahub shall share all such details with regulatory or legal authorities, as required under applicable Law, and the User shall be solely responsible for the correctness and veracity of the contents thereof. Fiahub shall have no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracy or falsehood in any information, document or communication from a User.
- xiii. User shall ensure that the source of the monies used for purchase or transfer of cryptocurrencies on the Fiahub Platform is entirely lawful, and that such transfer is made from a legal Singapore bank account of such User. User shall be solely liable for any illegality with respect to the source of funds used for transactions on the Fiahub Platform, or for any other illegality with respect to such transactions.
- xiv. User shall not misuse or abuse the Fiahub Services in any manner. In particular, User shall not:
- 1. Violate these terms or the terms of the policies and guidelines prescribed by Fiahub;
- 2. Upload or share any information belonging to another person which the User does not have any right to share;
- 3. Impersonate another person, including any other User;
- 4. Upload or share any information that is invasive of another person’s privacy;
- 5. Upload or share any information that is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libellous, obscene or pornographic;
- 6. Put forth any information that is hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging;
- 7. commit any act relating to or encouraging money laundering or gambling;
- 8. Do any act that is paedophilic or harming minors in any way;
- 9. Infringe any patent, trademark, copyright or any other proprietary rights of Fiahub or of third parties;
- 10. Violate any law in Singapore for the time being in force;
- 11. Deceive or mislead or communicate any information, which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature or about the origin of messages containing such information;
- 12. Upload any information containing software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource;
- 13. Do any act that threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of Singapore, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognisable offence or prevent investigation of any offence or insult any other nation;
- 14. Knowingly host or upload any information or initiate the transmission of any information mentioned above from points (ii) to (xiii):
- 15. User shall take reasonable measures to secure personal devices and information contained on it. User will ensure not circumvent any law in force by changing the technical configuration of personal devices, which has the capability to change their normal course of operation other than what it is supposed to perform.
- xv. User shall not induce or entice other persons to avail of the Fiahub services or to open accounts.
- xvi. Fiahub does not encourage Users to promote or advertise its services. Participation in its referral program is limited to Users sharing their experience with peers and the same should not be to misrepresent or mislead any third parties. Users shall not make any representations or any warranties with respect to Fiahub services to any third parties. Users are not allowed to represent Fiahub in any manner whatsoever and shall be solely liable for any third parties acting on their representations or statements.
- xvii. Users shall bear all responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, including User Name, password / PIN, safeguarding their User Accounts including the cryptocurrencies stored therein; undertaking / implementing reasonable security measures to protect the same from malicious attacks or inadvertent losses and for any activity including transactions that are undertaken from the User Account.
- xviii. Fiahub shall take reasonable measures to ensure security of their infrastructure but shall not be responsible or liable for any Loss arising due to breach or violation of third party infrastructure.
- xix. User shall be responsible for the confidentiality of the transactions in their account. Users have been duly notified that their transactions are not anonymous and that transaction activity will be shared if called upon by any legal, governmental or regulatory authority.
- xx. User shall notify Fiahub through “” immediately upon noticing any suspicious activity on their User Account, or any unauthorized use of the User Account or their password or login details, or any breach of security in relation to the User Account. Fiahub shall not be liable for any Loss caused to the User as a result of such unauthorised use or access, if such Loss occurs pursuant to a failure to notify Fiahub in a timely manner.
- xxi. Users are cautioned against undertaking any suspicious activity or suspicious transactions on their User Accounts. In the event of any suspicious or large transactions being undertaken on a User Account, Fiahub shall have the right (but not the obligation) to verify such activity and carry out further KYC procedures, and if required, to suspend the transactions or freeze the relevant User Accounts, till compliance by the User with Fiahub’s authentication processes (as described in this Agreement or in the AML Policy) to Fiahub’s satisfaction. Fiahub shall be entitled to call for all such transaction details, as it deems fit. Fiahub shall not be liable for either taking such action to suspend or terminate such accounts, or for any inaction on its part, in the event a suspicious transaction is undertaken with respect to a User Account.
- xxii. User shall not be entitled to request or claim any reversal of transactions that have been confirmed by the User, as cryptocurrency transactions cannot be reversed;
- xxiii. User shall ensure that they do not wilfully or erroneously interfere or tamper with, or alter in any unauthorised manner, the Fiahub Platform. Any loss or deletion of cryptocurrencies on account of such unauthorised use is permanent and cannot be reversed. Fiahub shall not be responsible or liable for any Loss caused due to such tampering, interference or use.
- xxiv. Before making any direct transfers or sale of cryptocurrencies to another User on the Fiahub Platform,User shall carefully verify the particulars of such transaction, including the sum and quantum of cryptocurrency involved, and the recipient. Any errors in any transaction entered into on the Fiahub Platform is irreversible,and User will not be able to retrieve such cryptocurrencies once they are transferred. Fiahub shall not be responsible for effecting any such reversals and will not be liable for any Loss arising from any error, omission, misapprehension or misconception on the part of the User.
- xxv. User shall not invest in cryptocurrencies under any assumption of high earnings or profits. Cryptocurrencies being digital assets issued by private entrepreneurs are subject to market risks and volatile pricing, which may even render them worthless. Users are therefore cautioned of the inherent risks involved in procuring cryptocurrencies;
- xxvi. In the event that any transfers of cryptocurrencies are erroneously credited to the User Account, the User is bound to report the same and to arrange to refund or transfer it to Fiahub or to the rightful owner, as confirmed by Fiahub. Failure to do so would amount to a material breach and in addition to remedies available through court processes, Fiahub shall be entitled to block the such amounts lying in the User Account and debit the same for remedying the erroneous transfer.
b) The above requirements are mandatory to ensure security of the User accounts and to ensure authenticity of the same. Failure to comply with any of the above shall amount to a material breach, which may result in suspension, cancellation and / or termination of the User account and Fiahub shall be entitled to claim compensation for any Loss due to such material breach by a User.
a) Subject to compliance of the above User Guidelines, User is entitled to the benefits of the Fiahub Services;
b) Fiahub shall take all measures to ensure rendering of its services to User. Fiahub shall however not be responsible or liable for disruption or cessation of Fiahub Services due either to Regulatory, Governmental or Judicial actions or technical issues or due to circumstances beyond their control.
c) Users shall bear all liabilities towards taxes, as applicable.
a) User understands that Fiahub is not the creator or developer of any cryptocurrency. Fiahub has no control over the generation, issuance, recording, verification or storage of any cryptocurrency, the maintenance of any ledger entries with respect to any cryptocurrencies, or any operations with respect to the blockchain for any cryptocurrency. Fiahub cannot be held responsible or liable for the fluctuation or volatility of the price of any cryptocurrency, and does not have any control over the price fluctuations in any cryptocurrency. Fiahub does not provide any advisory services with respect to any investment, including any potential investment in any cryptocurrency, and does not guarantee any returns or profits on such investment. Fiahub does not extend any warranties with respect to any of the products or cryptocurrencies which are made available by Users on the Fiahub Platform.
b) User hereby confirms that it has not been canvassed, solicited or encouraged by Fiahub to invest in any cryptocurrency, or to otherwise avail of the Fiahub Services, in any manner whatsoever, and that User has arrived at an independent decision to avail of the Fiahub Services of their own volition.
c) User has reviewed and understood the following, and has decided to engage in cryptocurrency transactions and to avail of the Fiahub Services in full knowledge of the following:
- i. Cryptocurrency
- 1. Cryptocurrencies like “Bitcoins” are merely software, as reflected in the relevant blockchain and in the public addresses of Users, that creates a digital asset, which is not regulated by any central authority and has no independent existence.
- 2. The price or value of such cryptocurrency is not set or regulated by any central or governmental authorities.
- 3. Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoins do not even have an identified creator.
- 4. Fiahub only offers a platform to users for rendering the Fiahub Services set out herein, and performs only the role of an intermediary. Fiahub does not advise on the purchase or sale of any cryptocurrencies, does not guarantee returns from any investment or transactions, and does not itself buy or sell any of the cryptocurrencies that are made available for purchase or sale by Users on the Fiahub Platform.
- 5. Users are cautioned against speculative investments in cryptocurrencies, in the light of the above and are directed to avail these services, including purchase or sale of cryptocurrencies or investing therein, upon fully understanding the technology that has created cryptocurrencies and subject to the risks that arise from such an unregulated asset, which only exists in digital form.
- ii. Risk Factors
- 1. Cryptocurrencies being a digital asset are subject to loss, harm or damage arising due to unforeseen circumstances inadvertent errors, offensive attacks, or closure of business;
- 2. These risks set out herein above include possibility of either servers on which cryptocurrencies are hosted going out of service; or the Fiahub servers becoming dysfunctional; disruption of services; inadvertent deletion of an asset class; offensive attacks including through hacking, virus, denial of service, or technology induced attacks on either the infrastructure hosting the cryptocurrencies or on the user’s personal devices.
- 3. Cryptocurrencies also run the risk of destruction through unforeseen circumstances i.e., technology induced or other forms of disruptions, which have not come to the fore till date.
- 4. Bitcoin is an as on date an autonomous and largely unregulated worldwide system of value transfer between individuals. It is not backed by any government or central bank backed currencies. Singapore has issued cautions against dealing in the said cryptocurrency, as well as other cryptocurrencies and ‘virtual currencies’;
- 5. There is also the risk of loss of confidence in cryptocurrency trading, which could collapse demand relative to supply. For example, confidence might collapse in cryptocurrencies because of unexpected changes imposed by the software developers, the creation of superior competing alternatives, a deflationary or inflationary spiral, or due to governmental actions. Confidence might also collapse because of technical problems, for instance, if the anonymity of the system is compromised, or if any entity is able to prevent any transactions from settling;
- 6. Trading in cryptocurrencies requires some effort on the part of the User to ensure that his / her privacy is maintained. Cryptocurrency transactions are stored publicly and permanently on the network. This means that a User’s balance and transactions is viewable by the public.
- 7. However, the identity of the user behind a cryptocurrency address remains unknown until information is revealed during a purchase or in other circumstances.
- 8. Users have to therefore full care and precautions to adopt good practices in order to protect their own privacy. Additionally, all Users must also be cautious and aware of the following:
- a. User should carefully assess whether their financial situation and tolerance for risk is suitable for buying, selling or trading cryptocurrencies;
- b. Fiahub uses banking service providers only for the receipt of client money and making payments. The said banking service providers do not transfer cryptocurrencies, exchange cryptocurrencies, or provide any services in connection with cryptocurrencies;
- c. Fiahub does not entertain Refund and Cancellation in any circumstances;
- d. Fiahub Website does not store, send or receive cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies exist only by virtue of the ownership record maintained in the blockchain network;
- e. Any transfer of title in cryptocurrencies occurs within a decentralized nodal network, and not on the Fiahub Website.
- iii. Security
- 1. Fiahub has taken all reasonable efforts to secure its infrastructure. Fiahub however has no control over the infrastructure in which cryptocurrencies are hosted outside of its own network or over the personal devices of users.
- 2. Cryptocurrencies being a digital asset are subject to known and unknown risks, malicious attacks and inadvertent losses. Such digital assets require very high security measures to be undertaken for protection at all levels, including by the User.
- iv. Price
- 1. Cryptocurrencies are subject to high volatility and price fluctuations. Market forces decide the value of such digital assets and Fiahub cannot be held responsible or liable for price fluctuations or volatility of any Cryptocurrency. There is no guarantee of assured profits to Users from procuring or trading in cryptocurrencies and there is high possibility of heavy losses including the depletion of the entire valuation of cryptocurrencies;
- 2. There is no guarantee of liquidity of such forms of digital assets;
- 3. Cryptocurrencies being decentralised with no governmental or regulatory control are high risk investments and users are cautioned against indulging in speculative trading;
- v. Legal
- 1. Engaging in transaction including buying, selling, receiving or retaining cryptocurrencies are subject to local laws of each jurisdiction. Singapore currently has no regulatory regime in place for cryptocurrencies, and there is a risk that cryptocurrencies will be subject to regulation (or even an outright ban) from one or more of Singapore’s regulatory authorities with respect to fiscal operations, securities, etc. Various regulatory authorities are currently discussing and considering regulatory changes, which may be introduced in the near future and may adversely affect the legality and enforceability of transactions involving cryptocurrencies.
- vi. Irreversible Errors
- 1. Most cryptocurrency transactions, and “Bitcoin” payments in particular, are irreversible.
- 2. Users are cautioned that erroneous or inadvertent transfers of any cryptocurrencies (or other cryptocurrencies) cannot be reversed irrespective of the reasons for such error. This is applicable for both direct transfers by User of any cryptocurrencies to other cryptocurrency users or through the Fiahub Services. This is so even if the transfer is to another Fiahub User.
- 3. User may therefore exercise due care and caution before completing any transaction of cryptocurrencies. Fiahub shall not be responsible or liable for any loss arising from any such transactions by Users.
- vii. Privacy
- 1. Fiahub does not guarantee the privacy of User details or transactions;
- 2. Whilst Fiahub takes all care and caution to ensure protection of User information, when called upon, Fiahub is mandated to and shall provide details to government or regulatory authorities;
- 3. Users are therefore cautioned against using any circumventing or obfuscating methods to hide their personal details including IP address and from providing any incorrect or misleading or false details or documents.
d) Fiahub takes best efforts to provide uninterrupted services to its customers but it shall not be responsible or liable for disruptions or cessation of Fiahub Services beyond the control of Fiahub. Fiahub does not give any guarantee for uninterrupted access or against any delay, failure, errors, omissions or loss of transmitted information.
e) Fiahub may suspend use of Fiahub App and Services for maintenance and will take best efforts to give reasonable notice. However, in cases of emergency such prior notice may not be feasible and absence of such notice shall not amount to deficiencies of any nature, which User is hereby required to acknowledge.
f) If Fiahub is required to cease its operations, or to cease to offer any part of the Fiahub Services, in the event of any change in applicable Law, Fiahub shall not be liable for any such cessation or suspension in any manner whatsoever.
g) Fiahub does not provide any investment advice in connection with or related to cryptocurrencies. Any data or details including of the value, range, volatility of any cryptocurrencies, and events that may affect/have affected the value of any cryptocurrencies, is for information purposes only. User shall not rely on the same either as advice or inducement to invest in cryptocurrencies. Fiahub will not be liable for any Loss suffered by User in connection with any transaction involving any cryptocurrencies.
Subject to compliance by the User of the User Guidelines and the terms contained herein, Fiahub covenants to comply with the following:
a) Fiahub shall continue to render its services to the User. This is subject to orders or directions that may be passed by the Government or RBI or a Court with respect to cryptocurrencies;
b) Fiahub shall take all reasonable security practises to ensure the safety of its infrastructure;
c) Fiahub shall ensure compliance with requisite laws and regulations;
d) Fiahub shall take best efforts to secure the rights of the User including the cryptocurrencies in the User accounts.
a) Fiahub shall not be liable for any Loss caused to the User due to discontinuation of any cryptocurrency that is being offered through the Fiahub Services.
b) Fiahub shall not be liable for any disruption of service, whereby the User is denied access to their cryptocurrencies, including those stored on the User Account.
c) Fiahub shall not be liable for any Loss caused to the User through loss of any cryptocurrency stored on the User’s account for any reason whatsoever, save and except due to a wilful and malicious commission or omission by Fiahub directly resulting in such loss. Fiahub shall not be liable for any discontinuation, alteration, suspension or termination of any part of the Fiahub Services caused or occasion edany Force Majeure event (as defined below) or any change in applicable Law with respect to cryptocurrencies.
d) Fiahub shall not be liable for any Loss caused to User due to fluctuations in the price of cryptocurrencies. Fiahub does not guarantee profits from sale or purchase or transfers of cryptocurrencies.
e) Fiahub shall not be liable for any Loss caused to User for suspension, cancellation or termination of a User Account, including on account of a violation by such User violations of any of the terms of this Agreement, the Privacy Policy, the AML Policy, or any applicable Law.
f) User agrees that Fiahub will not be liable to User or to any third party for termination of the User Account or for restricting access to the Fiahub Services, which shall be at the sole discretion of Fiahub.
g) User shall not be entitled to any damages for any reason whatsoever including for consequential or compensatory damages against Fiahub for any reasons including suspension, cancellation or termination of the User Account or for cessation of Fiahub Services. The User shall only be entitled to refund / recovery of the amounts credited to the User Account, subject to deductions towards dues owed to Fiahub and other legal, regulatory or statutory dues or those stipulated under applicable Law, and to the permissibility of such refund or recovery under applicable Law. In the event that any cryptocurrencies lying in any User Account are seized, or Fiahub is unable to access or convert the same into SGD for payment to User, Fiahub shall not be held liable or responsible for the same. User is cautioned to avail of the Fiahub Services subject to the above risk. At no point of time will Fiahub, its directors, shareholders, employees, representatives, officers, affiliates or assigns be held liable for any Claims whatsoever for cessation of services or termination of any part of the Fiahub Services or any disruption with respect to access to any User Accounts. All Claims shall be limited to the amounts lying in the relevant User Account, subject to the above mentioned conditions.
h) The liability of Fiahub in any event, for any Claim, shall be limited to the amounts actually received from the User, in SGD, as consideration for the services rendered by Fiahub in relation to the transaction to which the Claim relates. If the Claim does not relate to any transaction in particular, then Fiahub’s liability shall be limited to the amounts actually received from the User, in SGD, as consideration for the services rendered by Fiahub in relation to the three transactions immediately preceding the date on which the Claim is made by the User.
a) Fiahub services are offered only on the digital domain, which is subject to risks including offensive attacks. Fiahub shall not be liable for any Loss caused to the User’s account or the monies or cryptocurrencies accrued therein if the same arises due to any Force Majeure event, including commissions or omissions by third parties, forces of nature, offensive attacks on Fiahub servers or on the personal devices of the users, changes in applicable Law, or any Loss caused by conditions or events beyond the reasonable control of Fiahub.
b) The above limitation on liability includes any Force Majeure event set out hereunder including acts of god; fire, act of terrorists, act of civil or military authorities, civil disturbance, war, strike or other labour dispute, interruption in telecommunications or Internet services or network provider services, failure of equipment and/or software, other catastrophe or any other occurrence which is beyond reasonable control of Fiahub; offensive attacks including virus attack, hacking, denial of service attack or theft of the personal devices of the User resulting in Loss to the account.
c) Fiahub shall not be liable for any Loss caused to User due to a data breach of confidential information of the User, including of the User account details or User password, including when such breach has occurred due to the User sharing such details with third parties or due to the User’s failure to follow reasonable due diligence. Fiahub shall also not be liable or responsible for any disclosure by User of any User Account details, including on account of a phishing attack or other third-party disruption.
d) “Force Majeure” shall mean and include any cause arising from or attributable to acts, or events, beyond the reasonable control of Fiahub, including natural calamity, strikes, terrorist action or threat, civil commotion, riot, crowd disorder, invasion, war, threat of or preparation for war, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, structural damage, epidemic or other natural disaster, calamity, attacks including through computer viruses, hacking, denial of service attacks, ransomware or other manmade disruptions or any law, order enactment, statutory direction, legislation, regulation, rule or ruling of government or any court of law or of a Government or regulatory authority.
a) User shall indemnify and hold harmless Fiahub, its representatives, affiliates and their respective directors, officers, shareholders, representatives and assigns (the “Indemnified Parties”) against and in respect of any and all Losses(whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise) incurred or suffered by the Indemnified Parties in any manner from or due to any failure or default by the User, to duly perform its obligations under this Agreement and the terms contained herein or due to any material breach by User of the Privacy Policy or the AML Policy.
b) Fiahub shall indemnify User and hold harmless against and in respect of any Losses incurred or suffered by the User solely due to any proven wilful and malicious act or default on the part of Fiahub. This indemnity is subject to the representations and warranties set out herein above i.e., Fiahub shall not be liable for any Losses arising out of risks or consequences set out in the representations and warranties, which have been read, acknowledged and understood by the User by virtue of their use of the Fiahub Services, or for actions initiated by Fiahub against User for suspension, cancellation or termination of their User Account for any reason. The liability of Fiahub in any event shall be limited to the amounts actually received from the User, in SGD, as consideration for the services rendered by Fiahub in relation to the transaction to which the indemnity claim relates. If the claim does not relate to any transaction in particular, then Fiahub’s liability shall be limited to the amounts actually received from the User, in SGD, as consideration for the services rendered by Fiahub in relation to the three transactions immediately preceding the date on which the claim is made by the User.
c) These provisions shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
a) Unless otherwise specified, all materials on Fiahub App and Services are the property of Fiahub and are protected under copyright, trademark and other applicable laws;
b) Users may view, print, and/or download a copy of such Materials on any single computer solely for your personal, informational, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices;
c) The trademarks, service marks and logos of Fiahub and others used in Fiahub and Services (“Trademarks”) are the property of Fiahub and their respective owners;
d) The software, text, images, graphics, data, prices, trades, charts, graphs, video, and audio used on this Website belong to Fiahub;
e) User or visitor to our website or any persons using or viewing our Apps are strictly prohibited from copying, reproducing, publishing, republishing, circulating, modifying, uploading, transmitting, collecting and / or distributing the trademarks and materials of Fiahub in any form or by any means, whether manual or automated;
f) Any unauthorized use of such property will be in direct violation of copyright, trademark, and other applicable laws and will result in criminal and / or civil legal actions and penalties;
g) Users shall not reverse engineer or disassemble any aspects of the Fiahub App or Fiahub Services for any reason whatsoever. Any such action shall amount to violation of the Fiahub IPR in and to such software;
h) Fiahub Services includes third party IP including the software used for creating or distributing Cryptocurrencies. Fiahub does not own any rights to such third-party IP and is bound by the license terms for such IP. Users shall also be bound by the license terms and shall violate any third-party IP that resides on or is accessible through the Fiahub Services.
XIV. Privacy
a) User data furnished to Fiahub shall be subject to the terms of the Privacy Policy of Fiahub, as periodically revised or amended. User is deemed to have consented to the Privacy Policy, by accepting these terms.
b) User hereby consents to the collection, storage, use, sharing and disclosure of User’s personal and sensitive personal information, as per the terms of the Privacy Policy. In the event that the User wishes to retract the consent herein furnished the User may do so by following the process prescribed for terminating this agreement. Consent to the terms herein and those set out in the Privacy Policy are mandatory preconditions for continued use of the Fiahub Services.
c) Confidentiality
- i. User recognises that Fiahub will be given and have access to confidential including sensitive personal information of the User. User hereby agrees and consents to use by Fiahub of such confidential data and information for their commercial use. Fiahub shall take best efforts to keep such information confidential and not to disclose to any third parties except in the course of its business or for marketing, analytical and for processing of such data. This limitation shall however not apply to (a). data already in the public domain; (b). furnishing of data in pursuance of a request from a legal or regulatory authority or order from a Court;
- ii. The provisions of this clause shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
XV. Complaints
a) Users may submit their complaints to Fiahub at Such complaints may be either with respect to Fiahub Services or any problems faced by Users in connection with their accounts with Fiahub. Fiahub shall revert, as soon as possible to such complaints.
b) Fiahub will not be able to resolve the following complaints, or provide any of the following remedies to any User:
- i. Reversal of wrongful or erroneous transfers of Cryptocurrencies;
- ii. Reversal of transfers from User Accounts due to any of the risk factors set out above, including on account of hacking, virus attacks, denial of service attacks, ransomware, phishing attacks or other data breaches, as well as any fluctuations in the price of cryptocurrencies or any volatility thereof, or on account of any change in applicable Law;
- iii. Disruption or cessation of services by any cryptocurrency creator, developer, distributor, miner, server operator or other network participants; or
- iv. Any technical problems caused to the User due to reasons beyond the control of Fiahub;
a) User and Fiahub agree and confirm the following terms for continuation, suspension, cancellation or termination of this agreement.
b) This Agreement shall come into effect upon confirmation of the terms by the User herein and subsist till termination of the same upon any of the reasons set out hereunder (“Term”).
c) c) Fiahub reserves the right to suspend or terminate a User account for the following reasons (“Termination”).
d) Fiahub shall be entitled to suspend, and after due verification, and its sole discretion, terminate a User Account immediately upon the occurrence or detection of any of the following:
- i. Use of a User Account for any suspicious activities, or any activities that are not consistent with applicable Law;
- ii. Failure of User to comply with the KYC norms contained in this Agreement or in the AML Policy;
- iii. Misrepresentations or misstatements by a User, or any inaccuracy, falsehood or misrepresentation in any of the information, documentation or details provided by a User;
- iv. Failure of User to update KYC details, when called upon;
- v. Failure of User to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement, the Privacy Policy or the AML Policy, and failure to rectify such non-compliance subsequent to a notice to this effect from Fiahub; and
- vi. A User Accounts lying dormant or inactive for a period of over six months.
e) In addition to the above the following actions or circumstances shall give the right but not the obligation for Fiahub to suspend and / or terminate a User Account:
- i. attempts to use in an unauthorised manner, or gain unauthorized access to, the Fiahub Services or to another User’s User Account, or providing assistance to any other person’s attempt to do so;
- ii. attempts to overcome or circumvent any software security features on the Fiahub Platform;
- iii. if Fiahub has reasonable apprehension that User may be misusing the Fiahub Services for any unlawful activities such as money laundering, illegal gambling operations, financing terrorism, or other criminal activities, or if there are unaccounted for amounts retained in the relevant User Account, or if the User Account has been used for inordinately large transactions or transactions with an unclear or indeterminate purpose;
- iv. Failure to pay dues owed to Fiahub including any commissions fees payable to it; or
- v. If the User undertakes fraudulent transactions through the Fiahub Services, or any unaccounted for or suspicious transactions, for which the User fails to provide suitable explanation despite service of notice by Fiahub in this respect.
f) Fiahub may also suspend and thereafter terminate any User Accounts for the following reasons:
- i. Technical errors or glitches resulting in suspension of Fiahub Services, in part or full;
- ii. Any change in applicable Law;
- iii. If continuation of Fiahub Services is difficult or impossible due to technical or operational issues or due to change in the legal, regulatory or statutory provisions;
- iv. In the event of unexpected operational difficulties; or
- v. Upon receipt of requests from governmental, regulatory, judicial, quasi-judicial or law enforcement authorities.
g) Each of the instances set out above may be invoked to suspend and thereafter terminate this Agreement, or to directly terminate this Agreement.
h) In addition to the above, this Agreement shall stand automatically terminated if either party (a). becomes insolvent; (b). makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors; (c) files a petition for bankruptcy; (d) takes steps towards dissolution or liquidation; or (e) appoints a trustee or receiver for all or any part of its assets.
i) The terms of this Agreement, which by their very nature survive termination of this Agreement shall subsist. Without prejudice to the generality of the above, provisions pertaining to IPR, Confidentiality, Privacy, Indemnity, Limitation of Liability, Governing Law, Dispute Resolution and choice of jurisdiction shall survive termination or cancellation of this Agreement.
j) Process for Termination Fiahub may terminate the Agreement forthwith for any of the reasons set out above or first suspend the account pending verification and thereafter issue a communication of termination, where Fiahub determined that it is practicable to do so. Each of the instances set out above may be invoked for instantaneous termination or cancellation of the User Account. The onus of proving bad faith shall be on the User. In any event damages shall not exceed the amounts credited in the User Account, as on the date of suspension, cancellation or termination, whichever is earlier. User may terminate this Agreement with written notice to Fiahub, but such termination shall only be effective once such notice is accepted and acknowledged by Fiahub.
k) Consequences of Termination
Upon termination of this Agreement or earlier determination, the following consequences shall ensue:
- i. The User Account and rendering of the Fiahub Services shall stand immediately terminated. User shall not be entitled to access or use the User Account or avail of any of the Fiahub Services;
- ii. Fiahub shall cease to be liable or responsible to User except to the extent of any amounts in SGD lying in the User Account. In the event that Fiahub is unable to effect a refund of these amounts to the User due to applicable Law, User shall bear any and all Losses arising from termination of the Agreement and loss of all amounts and all cryptocurrencies lying in the User Account.
- iii. Parties shall be entitled to the rights and dues already accruing to them.
- iv. Fiahub shall be entitled to retain / deduct amounts due to it from the User and transfer or refund the balance lying in the User Account, except when it is unable to do so in compliance with applicable Laws. Transfers shall be to any other cryptocurrency account or wallet specified by User, and refund shall be in SGD.
- v. User agrees that Fiahub will not be liable to User or to any third party for termination of the User Account or any restriction of access to the Fiahub Services.
- vi. User shall be entitled to recover the amounts lying in the User Account, as on the date of termination, subject to any deductions to be made by, or payments to be made to, Fiahub.
- vii. Permissions and licenses granted to User under this Agreement shall cease immediately upon termination of this Agreement, and the User shall not be entitled to any access to the User Account or the Fiahub Services, or any rights or benefits in this respect, in any manner whatsoever.
- viii. User shall return to Fiahub any of Fiahub’s IPR, or affirm deletion thereof immediately upon termination of this Agreement.
XVII. Accuracy / Reliability of / Liability for Information published on website
Fiahub does not provide any investment advice in connection with Fiahub Services contemplated by these Terms of Use. While Fiahub may provide information on the value, range, volatility of cryptocurrencies, and events that may affect/have affected the value of cryptocurrencies, this is not considered investment advice and should not be construed as such. Fiahub will not be liable for any Loss suffered by User in connection with any transaction involving cryptocurrencies.
a) Any notice or other communication provided for in this Agreement shall be sent only through electronic mail. User hereby agrees to receive electronic or any other form of communication and notifications from Fiahub. Email messages sent over the Internet are not always secure and Fiahub is not responsible or liable for non – receipt of such communication by User. Once the email is dispatched by Fiahub, it shall be deemed to have been served on the User. Fiahub shall be deemed to have received communications from the User only upon actual receipt into the Inbox of the account of the person to whom such communication is addressed and acknowledged. Fiahub shall not be liable or responsible for non – receipt of communications or for any damages incurred by the result of sending email messages over the Internet.
b) All communications to Fiahub shall be at: Fiahub shall ensure that any change or modification to the same is uploaded on the Fiahub Website.
c) All communications to User shall be at the electronic mail address provided by User, as part of the KYC norms or via in – App messages or SMS to the User’s registered mobile number. User shall ensure that any change in the electronic mail address or communication option is duly intimated to Fiahub.
a. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.
b. The parties agree to irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Singapore for the resolution of any disputes arising from this Agreement or in connection therewith or pursuant thereto.
This Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder shall not be assigned by the Service Provider to any third party without the prior written consent of the Customer. The Customer may assign all or any of his rights without prior intimation or approval of the Service Provider to any third Party.
This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties, and their respective successors and permitted assigns.
a) The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not in any way affect, impair or render unenforceable this Agreement or any other provision contained herein, which shall remain in full force and effect.
b) This Agreement shall be considered divisible as to such provision, which is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable and the remainder of this Agreement shall be enforceable and binding on the Parties.
No provision of this Agreement may be waived or changed except by a writing signed by the party against whom such waiver is sought to be enforced. The failure or omission by either party at any time to enforce or require strict or timely compliance to any provision of this Agreement shall not affect or impair that provision or any other provision in any way or the rights of such party hereof, to avail itself of the remedies it may have in respect of any subsequent breach of that or any other provision.
The Recitals, Schedules and Annexures in this Agreement shall form part of this Agreement and the contents thereof shall be read into this Agreement. Headings are for the purpose of easy reference and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.
This Agreement, and the other agreements contemplated hereby, constitute the entire agreement.
a) User shall be solely responsible and liable for ensuring payment of all applicable taxes arising due to or pursuant to execution of these terms or availing of Fiahub Services.
b) Fiahub shall not be responsible for either determining the tax liability of the User or for collecting, reporting or remitting any taxes arising from any transaction undertaken on the Fiahub Platform.
c) The above is subject to any changes to the statutory or regulatory process under applicable Law.
None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a partnership between the parties hereto and no party shall have any authority to bind or shall be deemed to be the agent of the other(s) in any way. User shall not misrepresent or mislead or induce any person to avail of Fiahub Services or to invest in any cryptocurrency.
This Agreement is subject to confirmation by the Government of Singapore of the legality of dealing in Cryptocurrencies, and in the event that the Government of Singapore were to hold such dealing to be invalid or illegal in Singapore, this Agreement shall stand automatically terminated without further notice to User. Fiahub has provided full disclosure of the current Government and regulatory status with respect to Cryptocurrencies in Singapore under this Agreement, and the risk involved in dealing with or investing in the same. User is deemed to have understood, agreed to and accepted the risk and costs of such investment.
a) These terms may be periodically reviewed and revised. The revised draft will be uploaded on the Fiahub Website and will reflect the modified date of the terms. User is required to periodically visit the website and review terms and any changes thereto.
b) Continued use of the Fiahub Services constitutes agreement of User to the terms contained herein and any amendments thereto.
a) “Bitcoin” refers to a type of cryptocurrency, whose creator is identified only as “Satoshi Nakamoto” and which is created using open source software. Bitcoin is not issued by any centralised authority or Government but uses “peer-to-peer technology” to operate, manage transactions and ensure authenticity (for more information on Bitcoins, please refer to
b) “Claims” includes any and all charges, complaints, actions, agreements, amounts, damages, claims, liabilities, promises, controversies, damages, or causes of action, litigation, suits, rights, demands, costs, losses, debts, interest, indemnities, fines, penalties, and expenses (including attorneys’ consultants’, and statutory fees and costs incurred), and obligations of any nature or description whatsoever, past, present, or future, under applicable Law, contract, or in equity, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, existing or prospective, irrespective of whether the concerned Party proposes to appeal/challenge such claims.
c) “Cryptocurrency”, means virtual currencies, which are open instruments usable on any online platform and which may be acquired or disposed of only as a digital transaction.
d) “SGD” shall mean Singapore Dollars.
e) “Laws” means and includes (i) all applicable provisions of all constitutions, treaties, statutes, laws (including common law), codes, rules, regulations, ordinances, bye-laws or orders of, or any similar form of decision, interpretation or policy of, or determination by, any governmental or similar authority, (ii) governmental approvals, consents, licenses, registrations, etc., and (iii) orders, decision, injunctions, judgments, awards and decrees of or agreements with any governmental or similar authority.
f) “Loss” means includes all losses, Claims, demands, liabilities, obligations, fines, expenses, costs (including litigation costs and costs of remedying any default or damage caused), and damages (whether or not resulting from third party Claims), taxes, including interests and penalties with respect thereto and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’, consultants’, and accountants’ fees and disbursements.